(13)Permission denied: couldn't grab the accept mutexhttp://softtime.ru/forum(13)Permission denied: couldn't grab the accept mutexhttp://softtime.ru/forum/read.php?id_forum=5&id_theme=92516#post552534Добавить в конфиг Apache AcceptMutex posixsem(13)Permission denied: couldn't grab the accept mutexThu, 11 Aug 2016 00:29:08 +0300nek-v(13)Permission denied: couldn't grab the accept mutexhttp://softtime.ru/forum/read.php?id_forum=5&id_theme=92516#post549536раз в сутки стабильно падает индеец в логах перед падение (13)Permission denied: couldn't grab...(13)Permission denied: couldn't grab the accept mutexFri, 7 Aug 2015 13:17:00 +0300kery