Информационный портал «SoftTime-INFO»
PHP Security & Cracking Puzzles Authors: Maxim Kuznetsov Igor Simdyanov
Description Concentrating on the process of breaking and protecting Web applications written in PHP, this book also considers related Web programming topics such as client technologies (HTML, cookies, JavaScript), application protocols (HTTP, SMTP), SQL query language, and the breaking and protecting of the Apache Web server. Because these techniques can only be achieved by practical work, the book is divided into two parts: one covering the problem (puzzles) and one devoted to solving the problem. Evaluating the main problem for many Web programmers protecting their applications from being hacked—that they think differently than hackers—this book allows the reader to think like a hacker and understand the techniques they use. The accompanying CD-ROM contains distributions of PHP, Apache, and MySQL for Windows and Linux and the source codes for all of the solutions discussed.
Maxim Kuznetsov is the director of information technologies and deputy director of long-range planning for Informsvyazstroy and the manager of the SoftTime Information Technologies Studio. He is the coauthor of several scientific works in the areas of radio spectroscopy, photo chemistry and photo physics, mathematical modeling, scientific and technical software development, and quantum chemistry. Igor Simdyanov is the lead programmer of the software development department at Informsvyazstroy. He is the coauthor of 42 scientific works covering mathematical modeling of photo physical processes, scientific and technical software development, and quantum chemistry.
Samples 1.4 Mb
Contents Chapter 1: Strings Chapter 2: Regular Expressions Chapter 3: Working with Files Chapter 4: MySQL Chapter 5: Sessions and Cookies Chapter 6: User Agents and Referrers Chapter 7: Authorization and Authentication Chapter 8. Using Information from Other Sites Chapter 9. FTP Protocol Chapter 10. Hypertext Transfer Protocol Chapter 11. Electronic Mail Chapter 12. The WHOIS Service Chapter 13. UNIX Chapter 14. Telltale Scripts Chapter 15. Miscellaneous Solutions to Chapter 1: Strings Solutions to Chapter 2: Regular Expressions Solutions to Chapter 3: File Operations Solutions to Chapter 4: MySQL and SQL Injections Solutions to Chapter 5: Sessions and Cookies Solutions to Chapter 6: User Agents and Referrers Solutions to Chapter 7: Authorization and Authentication Solutions to Chapter 8: Using Information from Other Sites Solutions to Chapter 9: FTP Protocol Solutions to Chapter 10: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Solutions to Chapter 11: Electronic Mail Solutions to Chapter 12: The WHOIS Service Solutions to Chapter 13: UNIX Solutions to Chapter 14: Telltale Scripts Solutions to Chapter 15: Miscellaneous